A trade name is a distinctive sign that identifies a company and serves to differentiate it from others that carry out identical or similar activities.
Trade names can include:
- Patronymic names [Successors of…]
- The company name or corporate name of companies and other legal entities.
- Fanciful names.
- Names related to the business activity.
- Anagrams and logos.
- Images, figures, and drawings.
- Any combination of the above signs.

Trade Names are regulated by the Trademark Law.
The provisions regarding trademarks also apply to trade names.
Companies that have not registered their trade name or corporate name can oppose the registration of a later trademark or trade name or seek its nullity in court in the case of unauthorized use by a third party, when the trademarks or trade names are used to identify products, services, or activities identical or similar to those for which the prior sign is used throughout the national territory and there is a risk of confusion among the public.
Protect your trade name with all the guarantees.